Órán Halligan es un pianista de Dublin, nacido en 1995. Empezó a recibir clases de piano a los ocho años y fue alumno a tiempo parcial de la Royal Irish Academy of Music (RIAM) en 2011, estudiando con el profesor superior Anthony Byrne.
En 2014 Órán recibió el reconocimiento “John O’Conor Cup for Outstanding Musicianship” y en 2015 se graduó del Diploma in Music Teaching and Piano Performance (RIAM). En 2018 Órán hizo su concierto debut, interpretando la “Rhapsody in Blue” de Gershwin, acompañado de la Dublin Concert Band en el National Concert Hall de Dublin, como parte de su Concierto de Gala por el 60 Aniversario.
Órán después terminó su Grado de Música e Interpretación del Royal Irish Academy of Music, con Honores de Primera Clase, interpretando el Concierto para Piano en Do sostenido menor con la National Symphony Orchestra, en su año final. A continuación completó un Master en Teclados en el Royal Conservatoire of Scotland, donde estudió con Jonathan Plowright, Sinae Lee y Aaron Shorr.
Órán ha ofrecido recitales en Irlanda y Reino Unido y tiene un interés particular en la interpretación de obras menos conocidas, música francesa, así como el estreno de numerosas composiciones de compositores irlandeses emergentes.
En mitad de la pandemia de Covid-19, a Órán se unió su colega pianista Luke Lally Maguire para dar una larga interpretación de 14 horas de la obra “Vexations” de Erik Satie. Gracias a esta interpretación en directo en streaming, consiguieron recaudar más de 6.000 euros para el Beaumont Hospital Foundation. Órán ha participado con frecuencia en festivales de música en su país y en el extranjero, incluyendo el Boyne Music Festival, el PLUG Contemporary Music Festival y en el “Debussy Day” en RIAM. Órán ha participado en muchas competiciones incluyendo el Feis Ceoil, RIAM PianoFest, Arte Piano Competition.
Lo más notorio para Órán fue su primer premio en el décimo Anual “Irish Freemason’s Young Musician of the Year Award” recibiendo un premio de 5.000 €, así como compromisos para un concierto y varios recitales.
Cathal recibió el Premio Dunbar Gerber de música de cámara y el Premio del Jurado de los Jóvenes Músicos Irlandeses de Freemason del Año. Como estudiante del Royal Conservatoire de Escocia, Cathal ganó todas las becas de competiciones orquestales. Fue, como consecuencia, invitado a tocar con todas las orquestas más importantes de Escocia y consiguió el puesto de clarinete bajo principal asociado, para la Orquesta de la Academia en el festival Chipping Campden de 2019. Cathal tiene una pasión particular por llevar a cabo e interpretar nuevos trabajos de fondos subrepresentados y ha estrenado obras para clarinete bajo solo, de Ivette Herryman Rodriguez y Aidan Teplitzky.
Durante la pandemia Cathal fue invitado a estudiar con el solista internacional Emil Jonason en Suecia, donde además tomó lecciones con el anterior clarinetista principal del Concertgebouw, Andreas Sundén y con Martin Fröst. Como solista y recitalista, Cathal ha disfrutado llevando su música a numerosos lugares, siendo Berlin, Wigmore Hall y Royal Albert Hall en Londres, Estocolmo, Madrid, Praga, Budapest y Miami, los más importantes recientemente.
Cathal ahora disfruta de una carrera variada de freelance en Irlanda y Reino Unido, junto con excitantes nuevas colaboraciones con Performance Artists, Organ, Iranian Santoor and Electronic Artists. Ha ganado las pruebas para posiciones con la Royal Liverpool Philharmonic Orchestra y la Royal Scottish National Orchestra y ha sido invitado a tocar como clarinetista principal invitado, de la Scottish Chamber Orchestra y la Royal Liverpool Philharmonic. En su tiempo libre, Cathal disfruta cocinando y encontrando nuevas e interesantes formas de intoxicarse con la comida, a menudo con espectaculares efectos.

Celtic Connections
Arnold Bax Sonata in D major
Albeniz Tango (Arr for Clarinet and Piano)
Albeniz Serenata (Arr for Clarinet and Piano)
Michael Cummins A New Species (Spanish Premiere)
Bela Kovacs: Hommage a Manuel de Falla for clarinet solo
Ivette Herryman-Rodriguez Black Montuno (Spanish Premiere)
Benjamin Britten Down by the Salley Gardens arr. For Clarinet and piano
Debussy Premiere Rhapsodie
Órán Halligan is a pianist from Dublin, born in 1995. He began taking piano lessons at the age of 8, and became a part-time student of the Royal Irish Academy of Music in 2011, studying under Professor Anthony Byrne.
In 2014 Órán was awarded the "John O'Conor Cup for Outstanding Musicianship", and in 2015 he completed a Diploma in Music Teaching and Piano Performance (RIAM). In 2018 Órán made his Concerto debut, performing Gershwin’s “Rhapsody in Blue” alongside the Dublin Concert Band at the National Concert Hall in Dublin, as part of their 60th Anniversary Gala Concert.
Órán then went on to receive a First-Class Honours Bachelors in Music Performance Degree from the RIAM, performing Poulenc’s Piano Concerto in C# Minor with the National Symphony Orchestra in his final year. He then went on to complete a Masters in Keyboard from the Royal Conservatoire of Scotland, where he studied under Jonathan Plowright, Sinae Lee and Aaron Shorr.
Órán has performed recitals across both Ireland and the UK, and has a particular interest in the performance of lesser-known works, French Music, as well as having premiered numerous compositions by emerging Irish composers.
In the midst of the Covid-19 Pandemic, Órán was joined by fellow pianist Luke Lally Maguire to give a 14-hour long performance of Erik Satie’s piece “Vexations”. Through this live-streamed performance they raised in excess of 6,000Euro for the Beaumont Hospital Foundation.
Órán has performed frequently in music festivals both at home and abroad including Boyne Music Festival, PLUG Contemporary Music Festival and the RIAM's "Debussy Day". Órán has taken part in many competitions, including the Feis Ceoil, RIAM PianoFest, Arte Piano Competition. Most notably Órán was 1st-Prize winner of the 10th Annual “Irish Freemason’s Young Musician of the Year Award” receiving a 5,000Euro cash prize, as well as a Concerto and several Recital engagements.
Cathal is a recipient of the Dunbar Gerber award for chamber music and Jury Prize at the Irish Freemason’s Young Musician of the Year. As a student of the Royal Conservatoire of Scotland, Cathal won all competitive orchestral internships. He was subsequently invited to play with all major Scottish Orchestras, and won the Associate Principal/Bass Clarinet position for the Academy Orchestra at Chipping Campden Festival 2019. Cathal has a particular passion for commissioning and performing new works from underrepresented backgrounds, and has premiered works for solo bass clarinet by Ivette Herryman Rodriguez and Aidan Teplitzky.
During the pandemic, Cathal was invited to study with international soloist Emil Jonason in Sweden, where he additionally took lessons with former Concertgebouw principal clarinet Andreas Sundén and Martin Fröst. As soloist and recitalist Cathal has enjoyed bringing his music to new locations. Berlin, Wigmore hall and Royal Albert Hall in London, Stockholm, Madrid, Prague, Budapest and Miami include recent highlights.
Cathal now enjoys a varied freelance career in Ireland and the UK, along with exciting new collaborations with Performance Artists, Organ, Iranian Santoor and Electronic Artists. He has won trials for positions with both the Royal Liverpool Philharmonic Orchestra and the Royal Scottish National Orchestra, and has been invited to play as Guest Principal Clarinet of the Scottish Chamber Orchestra and Royal Liverpool Philharmonic. In his spare time Cathal enjoys cooking and finding new and interesting ways to give himself food poisoning, often with spectacular effect.